Tag: software engineering

  • The Church of the One True Language

    I stumbled upon an interview from JAOO 2007 with Joe Armstrong and Mads Torgensen discussing Erlang, concurrency and program structure (objects versus interrelated processes). It was really interesting to see how similar yet different their points of view were. I’m not going to paraphrase, as it’s worth listening in on it. Two points came out […]

  • Poorly Formatted Code Costs You Money

    After nearly 10 years of working on complex systems I think I have nailed down why poorly formatted code annoys me so much. It wastes time. Complex logic requires whitespace in order for the reader to make sense of it in the same way that punctuation is used in sentences. If the whole thing looks […]

  • Unit Testing the Database Tier

    Unit testing database code is a bit of a funny problem. Most developers can pretty easily get their heads around unit testing a piece of Java code using interfaces and mock objects. When it comes to database code or DAOs, it suddenly becomes particularly difficult. But why, what is so difficult about testing stuff against […]