Category: osgi

  • Deep testing of integrations with Camel

    One of the things that often comes up in client conversations about developing integration code with Camel is what test support is available, and more to the point appropriate, for testing integrations. There is a spectrum of test types that can be performed, ranging from fully automated unit tests to full-blown multi-system, user-based “click and […]

  • System Integrations as Plugins using Camel and ServiceMix

    I recently had a client with a use case that I thought would be interesting to share (and they were happy for me to talk about – no names, industry changed). Sample code and full instructions for the solution available as always at FuseByExample on Github. Imagine a system integration where the core logic is […]

  • Developing web services in ServiceMix

    I have added a number of projects to FuseByExample/smx-ws-examples on GitHub that demonstrate how to go about developing a number of common web service use cases. The samples are designed to get you up and running quickly with SOAP based web services in an OSGi world. The examples include: a Maven project that generates all […]

  • Build-time integration testing OSGi bundles in ServiceMix

    I have just added a new project to GitHub under FuseByExample/smx-integration-testing that you can use to verify at build time that your bundles and features will deploy and run as expected in a specific version of ServiceMix. The intention is that you can use it to kick start testing in your own projects. To do […]

  • Bootstrap Projects for Getting Started with ServiceMix 4

    Over the Christmas break I cleaned up and published a set of Maven projects for getting started with ServiceMix 4.4.1+ into GitHub. I found myself reusing the same code for a number of activities, and figured it may be of broader use to others. You can find it under FuseByExample/smx-bootstraps. smx-bootstraps contains within it a […]

  • Coincidence?

    Jason Sankey just posted a list of OSGi tutorials: You have to love RSS…

  • OSGi vs. JSR-277

    I checked out the OSGi presentation from the Parleys site Wow. I haven’t really spent any time thinking about this stuff in the past, but it seems that yet again the JSR process is trying to formalize something that doesn’t need it. OSGi seems to be a much lighter, more powerful model whereby you […]