Category: open source

  • Beyond the Hype Cycle; Co-operative Open Source

    At some point in the lifetime of an open-source project, having survived rewrites, deployments in hundreds of organisations, battle-testing… it becomes boring. The sheen goes off it, and people move on to the newer and shinier. When this happens, the number of maintainers drops off, releases slow down to a trickle, and issues or improvements […]

  • Understanding ActiveMQ Broker Networks

    Networks of message brokers in ActiveMQ work quite differently to more familiar models such as that of physical networks. They are not any harder to understand or reason about but we need to have an appreciation as to what exactly each of the pieces in the puzzle do by themselves in order to understand them […]

  • Why wrong licenses kill good products

    Being on the ODBMS train of thought, I checked out a few products that are out there, and something struck me – all of them would be really difficult to bring in to a project. The reason is not technical, but rather one of hassle. All of the products are either proprietary closed-source or GPL […]

  • Home Cooked vs Open Source. Or, Don’t Build Your Own Workflow.

    First thing’s first. I love open source. I think that it’s the best thing since sliced bread. That thing that we were always told about since computer science, that of the open marketplace for components to be shared and reused HAS happened. Just not in the “buy this billing component” kind of way. It’s even […]

  • Client-side web development evolved

    It’s finally time to say goodbye to my trusty Venkman debugger for Firefox. My old friend has served me well for Javascript development, but I have found a new, better tool: Firebug. Javascript, DOM, XHR debugging, profiling, viewing, command line interface, profiling. Mmm…

  • Java PC Emulator/Open Source Goodness

    After the recent announcement by Dell that they were going to be selling Linux-based desktops and laptops, I decided to check out their site to see what’s on offer. For some strange reason the open source laptops they are selling don’t come with Linux at all (?) but with FreeDOS. I had never heard of […]