Category: fusebyexample

  • Transactional persistence with MyBatis in ServiceMix

    This post has been a long time coming. A while back I cooked up a sample application, kind of a pet store for integration, that demonstrates a bunch of things that you might want to do beyond the standard bootstrap examples. This app takes the form of a horoscope aggregator, which allows you to view […]

  • System Integrations as Plugins using Camel and ServiceMix

    I recently had a client with a use case that I thought would be interesting to share (and they were happy for me to talk about – no names, industry changed). Sample code and full instructions for the solution available as always at FuseByExample on Github. Imagine a system integration where the core logic is […]

  • Developing web services in ServiceMix

    I have added a number of projects to FuseByExample/smx-ws-examples on GitHub that demonstrate how to go about developing a number of common web service use cases. The samples are designed to get you up and running quickly with SOAP based web services in an OSGi world. The examples include: a Maven project that generates all […]

  • Build-time integration testing OSGi bundles in ServiceMix

    I have just added a new project to GitHub under FuseByExample/smx-integration-testing that you can use to verify at build time that your bundles and features will deploy and run as expected in a specific version of ServiceMix. The intention is that you can use it to kick start testing in your own projects. To do […]

  • Bootstrap Projects for Getting Started with ServiceMix 4

    Over the Christmas break I cleaned up and published a set of Maven projects for getting started with ServiceMix 4.4.1+ into GitHub. I found myself reusing the same code for a number of activities, and figured it may be of broader use to others. You can find it under FuseByExample/smx-bootstraps. smx-bootstraps contains within it a […]