Category: questionable ideas

  • On the crapness of classical philosophy

    Paul Graham has written an interesting essay where he proposes that classical philosophy has failed in its purpose because of its approach. Rather than playing mental word games hoping to come to general truths, a la Aristotle, we should start with small truths and and make them more general. Best of all anyone can do…

  • Does the world really need a beer pouring robot?

    I’m so glad that someone has finally come up with a robot that does something constructive. Now if only it didn’t keep chatting away in an annoyingly chirpy Japanese voice while it did it. I can also see a few other problems with the design, but hey, who am I to begrudge genius 😉 Now…

  • Killing the 419 through a high signal-noise ratio

    Most of the spam that hits my mailbox these days is the “Contact us urgently for your $1.5 million” type rubbish. Everything else seems to get caught by my email provider. I guess that the 419 looks like something that may be legitimate, so they let it through. Sending the mails on to email providers…