Java DSLs for ActiveMQ config and testing

As part of a larger project that I am working on, I needed to define numerous different ActiveMQ configurations inside non-trivial integration tests. Rather than instantiating brokers by hand using the internal ActiveMQ classes, or writing lots of similar-but-different XML configurations, I wrote a pair of Java DSLs to allow me to quickly spin up brokers and proxy them in JUnit using a style that should be familiar to Camel users, and a syntax that ActiveMQ users should instantly understand.

The ActiveMQ DSL is a general purpose utility for instantiating brokers in-line.

BrokerContext context = new BrokerContext("embeddedBroker").useJmx(false).persistent(false)
            .transportConnector("openwire", "tcp://").end()

// later ...

The Test DSL, uses JUnit’s @Rule functionality to manage the lifecycle of these brokers and also allows the creation of proxies that can be used to simulate network interruptions.

public class MyEmbeddedBrokerTest {
    public ProxiedBrokerResource broker = new BrokerResource(
                    .transportConnector("openwire", "tcp://").end()
                    .transportConnector("stomp", "stomp://").end()
            // port to be proxied is looked up by name
            // you can define multiple proxies for the one broker!

    public void testNetworkOutages() {
        ConnectionFactory cf =
            new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(
                "failover:(" + broker.getTcpConnectionUri("openwire") + ")"); 
        // returns proxied port 10000
        // ...
        SocketProxy socketProxy = broker.getProxy("openwire");
        socketProxy.close(); // network goes down
        // ...
        socketProxy.reopen(); // network comes back up

I hope that they might be useful (or at least instructive) to others. The DSLs along with full documentation are available on Github at jkorab/activemq-dsls. Feedback + pull requests most welcome.



