Get Functional

That was the message that was coming through the Devoxx conference presentations this year. The idea that it will help your code run in the brave new world of multi everything (multi-core, multi-thread etc.) is one that’s widely touted, but rarely the primary driver for its use. Instead, it’s about less code, that’s more easily understood. When you do get to scaling it, it won’t do any harm either.

As Guillaume Laforge tweeted, from 800 Java developers in his session, only 10 knew/used Scala, 3 Clojure, 20 Ruby, and 50 were on Groovy – which gives a nice gentle introduction to some of the constructs for those looking to wade in. Good stats to cut through they hype. So what of the roughly 90% slogging on without closures, does this mean that they have to miss out on this fun?

Quite simply, no. There’s heap of drop in libraries that you can add into a Java project for all manner of functional goodness, and which don’t change the syntax of the language. LambdaJ for example gives a nice functional way of dealing with collections. To steal an example directly from the website, the following typical Java code:

List<Person> sortedByAgePersons = new ArrayList<Person>(persons);
Collections.sort(sortedByAgePersons, new Comparator<Person>() {
        public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) {
           return Integer.valueOf(p1.getAge()).compareTo(p2.getAge());

is replaced with:

List<Person> sortedByAgePersons = sort(persons, on(Person.class).getAge());

Fancy a bit of map-reduce without a grid? Well, it comes stock-standard with the Fork Join (JSR166y) framework that will be added to the concurrency utilities in JDK 7. If you don’t fancy waiting until September 2010 (the latest expected date for the GA release), it’s downloadable here. As an aside, Doug Lea has written a really good paper on the FJ framework.

Don’t fancy loops in loops in loops to filter, aggregate, do set operations with all the null checking that Java programming typically entails? Well, the Google Collections library (soon to be integrated into Guava, a set of Google’s core libs), contains predicates and transform functions that make all of this a lot easier to write and reason about. Dick Wall had a great presentation about this showing just how much code can be reduced (heaps).

A thing I heard a number of times outside the sessions was, “I don’t know about all this stuff, surely as we get further from the metal, performance suffers”. Sure, it gets harder to reason about timings as the abstractions get weirder, but the environment gets better all the time, and the productivity gains more than outweigh performance in all but the most perf-intensive environments. Brian Goetz spoke about how the JVM supports this new multi-language world. Not something that I had ever really given much thought to, but the primary optimizations aren’t at the language compiler level (javac, scalac, groovyc etc.)- they’re are all done at runtime, when the JVM compiles the bytecode. The number of optimizations in HotSpot are massive (there was a striking slide showing 4 columns of individual techniques in a tiny font). Multiple man-centuries of effort have gone into it, and each new release tightens it up. If you’re not sure, then profile it and make up your own mind. JDK 7 will also see the VM with some goodness that will make dynamic languages really fly.

One thing that still sticks out like a sore thumb is Closures support in Java. It’s not a candidate for inclusion in JDK 7, and the proposed syntax shown at the conf by Mark Reinhold looks pretty ugly when compared to other langs (see the proposal by Neal Garter). Either way, not a sniff of actual implementation. I understand there’s some serious work on the VM to make any of this possible regardless of the syntax. Not holding my breath. [Closures will actually be in JDK7 – thanks Neal.]

All up, I’m pretty excited by all this, and can’t wait to get my hot little hands on some of these tools. The functional style yields code that’s much easier to read and reason about, and the fact that it’s essentially all Java syntax, means that there’s no reason not to apply it. If you’re already comfortable with using EasyMock on your team, you won’t find it a huge mind shift.



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2 responses to “Get Functional”

  1. Neal Gafter Avatar

    Closures are indeed slated for inclusion in JDK7

  2. Jake Avatar

    Thanks Neal – updated the post.