Pimping Builds

From the Pimp My Build session by the Atlassian guys.

  • Use Ant imports. The imported stuff can check for preconditions and fail cleanly using the <fail unless=”…”> tag.
  • Use macros.
  • Don’t build stuff you don’t need using the <uptodate> task. Use <outofdate> from ant-contrib, which is even better.
  • You can use audio snippets to tell you when you screw it all up 🙂
  • You can filter messages in builds using the Unix shell to notify you of actually important stuff rather than the standard boiler plate.
  • Don’t be afraid to write tasks – everyone should know how the build works. Don’t be precious about it. If you have repetitive tasks, why not script it?
  • Use scripts. You can embed Javascript directly into your Ant build via a <[CDATA[..]]> block
  • Use conditional tasks (ant-contrib) <if> <then> <else>
  • Don’t do one-off analysis. PMD, Checkstyle and Findbugs can be scripted! I found this to be particularly useful. Much easier to find issues, especially if coupled with continuous integration.
  • Document your build! Ant targets have descriptions. You do it with your code, why not your build artefacts? Use the -target_name convention for private targets.
  • Use continuous integration. This has been an absolute life changing thing for me as a developer.
  • Test in your builds!!! JUnit, TestNG et al.
  • Maven tips:
    • Use a remote repository proxy – caches are good (Apache Archiva). Helps performance and stability – make sure you can run when the net goes down.
    • Create a local repository for private artifacts
    • Local repository for public artifacts – third party Jars or commercial stuff not available in public repositories

Oh yeah, Ivy is good when you aren’t using Maven.




